Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

A guide to activating all of the runes (in a Love Sucks: Night Two playthrough) of chapter 2.

You are here to try to light all of the runes in a single go at the faire/carnival right? RIGHT? Well no fear, this is easily doable and with tons some deaths. I hope it does not need to be said but this guide will have some spoilers on actions that get completed and how to do the sequence. I hope you have completed the faire/night 2 on your own once, its worth making it your own!

It is helpful to know that you have *6* cycles of visits you get to make, with two actions per visit. This means you will revisit at least one (possibly two) areas if you don’t die, but if you dont die you cannot get all of the runes. You just HAVE TO DIE to get some skills/triggers to manage triggering the runes. The one you have to die for is ‘impress the girls’.

How the night works

The sequence will go:

  1. Getting out of the kissing booth (Anyway will unlock the first rune)
  2. Visit 1st area (2 actions) that get completed.
    For example if you go to the arcade and go to ‘visit the photo booth’ and then back out. It does not count it as an action.
  3. Choice of First Two Actions
  4. Visit 2nd area (2 actions)
  5. 2nd Action (you did not choose last time) happens
  6. Visit 3rd area (2 actions)
    this is the last action set before ‘time advances’ and you’ll auto set death reset point ahead
  7. Public Display of Affection (under the table)
  8. Getting to Witness Destruction of an Evil plant
    << FORCED DEATH RESET point (<Keyword Action>, no take backsies) >>
  9. Visit 4th Area (2 actions)
  10. Choice of Second Two Actions
  11. Visit 5th Area (2 actions)
  12. 2nd interaction (you did not choose last time)
  13. Visit 6th Area (2 actions)
  14. Do you go party, or get a burger?

If you want to repeat things in a singular spot you can die in any spot by picking a specified set of actions to trigger your death (if you later take a burger ending, the cat will comment on them).

  • Tell the girls the truth (Midway)
  • Go into the photobooth (Arcade)
  • Statue, and Help Jan (Fountain Courtyard) backing out of this does not use time.
  • Cowboy Booth but stick it in Jan’s Mouth (College Fair)

Tips & Suggestions

Tips On how to get all of the Runes Lit up (if you wanna do it yourself):

  1. You will have to visit the Fountain Twice (without dying and reseting the first visit). You can’t visit the same place twice in a row, you have to go somewhere else first.
  2. You can (if you do not death reset between Visit 1,2 and 3 or 4,5, and 6) visit many of the places at once to trigger runes.
  3. Runes carry through the ‘death’! but do you really wanna deny Jan her fish? Or Anna her replica? Or the photo?????

Visit Midway and Fountain Courtyard in the first ‘half’ before the reset to allow ease of getting all runes/achievements, by using the reset point in the second half (after the plant’s death).

This is because in any given 3 set you can visit a place, then somewhere else and then return. So provided you visit the Midway and Courtyard in the first half, it is possible to hit ALL achievements/runes fairly easily, even limited to just changing up visits 4 5 and 6.

Verifying what rune was awarded can be done by getting the “rune activated” text and checking the book. you should see it light up, but if you aren’t sure. Pressing “BACK” until before the rune should have it be unlit. Then going forward can confirm that rune lit up.

How to light all the runes in <4 deaths

*NOTE* If you jump to kissing booth from chapter select, while you get to see the book for the familiar activation, you dont get it. To make sure you have the book for tracking (if it isn’t your first playthrough) make sure you have gone through the scene with Addy with her handing you the book to have access to it at all times. Skipping text is your friend on getting back somewhere quickly. *End note*

This is not the only path, but one I picked to complete all Runes. Once you’ve done this, you can figure out an alternate.

Location Visit #1: Midway

  1. Carnie’s Game (activation for later achievements / alternate rune condition)
  2. Hook a Duck (Rune Activated: Gift a Genuine Gift)

<Anna or Jan scene>
Assuming you are picking Anna’s Scene (Arcade) here
Anna scene -> Be Bitey or potentially miss the rune activation for 69
(Rune Activated: Have a sixty-nine NICE)

Location Visit #2: Fountain Courtyard

  1. Find naomi for <KEYWORD> time {Set death reset point}
  2. Try the jelly bean guessing game, any choice
  3. Admire the fountain -> give jan a hand (die)
  4. Try the jelly bean guessing game -> 755 (Rune Activation: Impress the girls)
  5. Admire the fountain -> give jan a hand (die)
  6. Get Something to Eat (activation trigger for show of trust)
  7. Take a Break with Anna/Jan (Rune Activated: Heart to Heart)
    * Heart to Heart awarded at end of conversation
    * (Optional Second Rune activation: Jan only?): Help someone be true to themselves (ask How does being a vampire work, exactly? -> Do you like being a vampire?)

<Anna or Jan Scene you didn’t pick first>
Assuming Jan’s scene here from picking Anna first
(Rune Activated: Have anal sex)

Location Visit #3: College Fair

  1. Play Toils and Trebuchets (Rune Activation: Help with a Secret desire)
    (Rune Activation: Help someone be true to themselves) if you did not activate it during Jan conversation or picked Anna for conversation instead
  2. Visit Cowboy booth -> Anna / Neither -> (Rune Activation: Create a Lasting Memento)

<Ticket, under the table play>
Choices do not seem to matter here.
Rune Activated: Be lewd in public

<Watching Naomi squash that plant>
Choices do not seem to matter here.
Rune Activated: Witness True Power


Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

This is what runes should be currently activated.
Missing: Show of Trust, Reach fourth Base, Share a moment of Happiness, Overcome a Challenge, Triumph Over a Rival

Location Visit #4: Midway

  1. Milk Jugs with the yelling carnie (unlock for Overcome a challege)
  2. Hear the loud banging noise (get gift for Naomi)

<Anna or Jan Scene>
Picking the Anna Scene (Midway)
Choice does not matter
Rune Activated: Triumph over a Rival

Location Visit #5: Fountain Courtyard

  1. Get Jan a Tastier snack (Rune Activated: Make a show of trust)
  2. Introduce the girls to Sammy (Rune Activated: Shape a moment of happiness)

<Anna or Jan Scene>
Defaulting to Jan
Rune Activated: Reach Fourth Base

Location Visit #6: Midway

  1. The **** carnie yelling again (Rune Activated: Overcome a challenge)
  2. What winners get what, you won; got all the runes!
Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Congrats! Save here for alternates on choosing to go with the girls or get a burger with naomi! (You even got her a gift, how nice!)

This is not the ONLY route. As you can trigger things in alternate ways. But this is fairly straight forward and easy to do quickly. This also might be Jan favored a little?

The Runes

A couple runes have a few ways to unlock them. Below is a listing of the name of the Rune and the confirmed (find a new way let me know!) way of triggering said Rune.

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Make a Show of Trust

  • Unlocked by letting Jan feed on you
  • Visit the Fountain Courtyard (two times without dying between)
  • First time: Select get food (to witness her eating ketchup)
  • Second time: Select get Jan real food (to let her suck your BLOOD)

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Have Anal Sex

  • This will get unlocked by default when you experience the Ferris Wheel with Jan
  • This also might have an alternate trigger, but it happens too late. You can get Anal from Anna after you complete her 2nd event, and visit the midway and “Claim your prize for winning.”

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Gift a Genuine Gift

  • Visit the midway, and play the fishing mini-game. Jan really wanted the fish!

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Reach Fourth Base

  • Jan will trigger this with her 2nd event.

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Help with a Secret Desire

  • Play Toils and Trebuchets with Anna
    • This is the easier of the two and also covers help someone be true to themselves
  • Tie up Jan
    • You will need to visit the Fountain Courtyard 3 total times without dying between them.
    • By feeding Jan the ketchup, then your blood, on the third visit an option with Jan about her book will show up
    • Select this option to have Jan attempt to share her Shibari fetish with you! sadly you cannot master this tonight

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Create a Lasting Memento

  • Take a Western style photo
  • Do ‘spooky’ arts and crafts and get a ‘cast’ made

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Impress the Girls

  • This one is basically show the girls that you got skills to pay the bills, or well that you are better than perceived. Simply do any thing that requires multiple attempts, die, and retry it. They’ll be impressed that you are better.
    • Win churros (Fountain Courtyard)
    • Carve an amazing Pumpkin
    • ‘Win’ the BBS game

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Heart to Heart

  • Talk to the girls and learn about them!
    • For Jan in her talking make sure to get her backstory and potentially talk about vampire stuff
    • For Anna it might not trigger until you answer her question about why you took the class.

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Help Someone be true to themselves

  • Playing TnT with Anna will trigger this
  • Asking Jan about if she likes being a Vampire

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Share a moment of happiness

  • Coerce the Cat into meeting the girls. They are happy to get to actually interact with an animal

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Be lewd in public

  • Automatically happens at the ticket counter
  • Can trigger early by visiting ‘butter-kun’

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Overcome a challenge

  • Show off your BBS Skills
    This is another one where dying is required. Play BBS at least 3 times with you and one of the girls. With the last time being with Anna to have a really good combined score.
  • Witness Jan flatten the baloon
    This one requires visiting the Midway 3 total times (without dying between them) and doing the carnie’s game each time. The first will be about the girl’s ages. The second time will be a rigged milk jug game. The third will present the balloon challenge. When Jan flattens it with her butt she you will get overcome a challenge.

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Have sixty nine

  • Anna will trigger this with her first event
    Possible bug?: Being gentle (not picking being bitey) can miss this activation?

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Witness True power

  • Watching Naomi ‘crush’ the plant triggers this one.

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Triumph Over a Rival

  • Anna will trigger this with her second event

Love Sucks: Night Two Guide to activating all of the runes

Help escape a difficult situation

  • Triggered by getting out of the kissing booth

Have fun 💗


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