Tower of Waifus 2 – Beating Level 8

All of the levels of Tower of Waifus 2, except level 8, have an in game guide. It took me a little bit to beat level 8 and here’s how to do it consistently.

Beating Level 8

Step 1

Push the left box forward two spaces.

Tower of Waifus 2 - Beating Level 8

Step 2.

Walk around to the the tower to the right of the right box. The vertical laser fires twice quickly, after the second shot you can pass. Push the right box to block the left vertical laser.

Tower of Waifus 2 - Beating Level 8

Step 3

Push the left box all the way down to block both the top horizontal and left vertical lasers.

Tower of Waifus 2 - Beating Level 8

Step 4

Kill the three center demons by either pushing them into the path of a laser or hitting them with your sword. Line up the fourth demon in front of the switch and then push into the switch and kill. Throw the switch to open the right door. Vertical laser has the standard fires twice quickly, go after the second shot.

Tower of Waifus 2 - Beating Level 8

Step 5

Move the box that is on the green button down one to line up with the other green button.

Tower of Waifus 2 - Beating Level 8

Step 6

Push box onto green button. I found it easiest to line up on the vertical laser. You will have to time moving the box with the two vertical lasers. Again moving after the second shot seems to work well.

Tower of Waifus 2 - Beating Level 8

Step 7

Now you just need to get back to the center of the room and move the one box out of the way so that you can rescue the Waifu.

Tower of Waifus 2 - Beating Level 8
Tower of Waifus 2 - Beating Level 8

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