EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

This guide will offer tips and solutions to the puzzles currently in the EdgeLords game (Version 1.2).

The purpose of this guide to provide tips for the puzzles and offering solutions. I will urge you to give the puzzles a good number of attempts before referring to the solutions, as that would detract the fun, however before the solutions will be some tips that will urge you in the right direction without giving you the answer straight out.

Upon completing a puzzle set, you will unlock some still CG’s to view in the gallery! You will know you unlocked them by the reward image box being colored and not greyed out.

Keep in mind: There are several solution on some of these puzzles and not every card will end up being used. The results I give out are only one of a few ways to complete this puzzles.

The answers will be covered via spoiler text, you must hover your mouse over the black box to reveal the solution.

For easier understanding of where to play cards, for the solution, I will list numbers in reference to the game board. From top left to bottom right, refer to this number guide below:

1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
3 6 9 12

Or refer to the image below:

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Melonie’s Love Potion

Level 1

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Card’s in your hand:

  • Hickey x2 (Deal 2 Damage)
  • Instant Loss (Destroy a Minion)

Your victory condition is to destroy will be destroy the Deathgrip’s Head minion. However, you’l need to destroy Legion Equinus first to allow that card to be targeted. As this is the first puzzle, it’s fairly straight forward and will require no tips. You however lack the mana to play Instant Loss, and you’ll need to get that mana from Jack-O.

Solution for Level 1

  • Play 1 Hickey on Jack-O to gain the 3 Mana
  • Play Instant Loss on Legion Equinus to destroy it
  • Play the second Hickey on Deathgrip’s Head to win

Level 2

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Card’s in your hand:

  • 3x Instant Loss (Destroy a Minion)
  • 2x Big Slappy (2 Damage, Splash, Minions only)

Your victory condition is the same as prior, defeating Deathgrip’s Head. However, their are 3 Legion Equinus to defeat and a very noticeable lack of Mana for your Instant Losses. You’re need to factor in your splash card’s damage along with a new enemy minion, Wicked Domme, and it’s splash damage to damage the various Jack-O’s on the field.

Solution for Level 2

  • Play one Big Slappy on field position 2
  • Play the second Big Slappy on field position 8
  • Use two Instant Loss on each of the remaining Legion Equinus
  • Use the last Instant Loss on Deathgrip’s Head to win

Level 3

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Card’s in your hand:

  • Suppression (Summon Icon of Submission Minion. This minion has Warcry: negate the armor of adjacent Minions)
  • Hickey (Deal 2 damage)
  • Discipline: (Negate a minion’s armor)
  • Vibrowave (Deal 1 damage to all minions)
  • Big Slappy (Deal 2 damage, splash, minions only)
  • Love Potion (Spend all your ana to deal that much damage)

Your victory condition is to cast Love Potion on the boss or at least 20 damage. You will need to decimate an entire Faye population to gain that much mana. Be wary of Angel of Mercy, which makes all minions gain armor upon it’s defeat. Blessed Archer on the field acts as a second Vibrowave, but you need to take care of it’s armor first….

Solution for Level 3

  • Use Discipline on Blessed Archer
  • Use Hickey on Blessed Archer
  • Use Big Slappy on field position 8.
  • Use Suppression to summon the minion on field position 9
  • Use Vibrowave
  • Use Love Potion on Ashka to win

Level 4

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Card’s in your hand:

  • 2x Big Slappy (Deal 2 damage, splash, minion only)
  • Creamy Milk (Gain 4 mana or Heal 6 health)
  • Love Potion (Spend all your mana to deal that much damage)

Your victory condition is the same as the prior, casting Love Potion on Lilith. Be wary of Cross-Counter, which deals 8 damage to you upon breaking it’s armor. You can take one hit, but not 2 unless you heal via Creamy Milk, but you really need that mana…. Maybe those Babe of Babylon’s on the field will lend you some Creamy Milk if you defeat them….

The last new card on the field if Siren, which gives armor to adjacent minions when it’s defeated. Be wary of how card effects stack in this. Armor is added before damage calculations.

Solution for Level 4

  • Use a Big Slappy on field position 6
  • Use the second Big Slappy on field position 7
  • Use the two Creamy Milk’s to gain mana
  • Use Love Potion on Lilith to win

Futa Moon Night

Level 1

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Card’s in your hand:

  • Demolish (Deal 3 damage, gain a Demolish Card)
  • Gentle Nibble (Deal 1 Damage)

Your victory condition is to destroy Deathgrip’s Head by first eliminating Legion Equinus. You however lack the action points to do so, but luckily those Bratty Imp’s are ‘willing’ to give you more actions. Other than that, this is a straight forward first puzzle.

Solution for Level 1

  • Use Demolish on any of the Bratty Imp
  • Use Demolish on the second Bratty Imp
  • Use Demolish two times on Legion Equinus
  • Either use Demolish on Deathgrip’s Head or use Demolish/Gentle Nibble on Wicked Domme to deal it’s 2 damage to Deathgrip’s Head to win. Depends on how nice you want to be to best girl.

Level 2

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Card’s in your hand:

  • 3x Big Slappy (Deal 2 damage, splash, minions only)
  • Jack-O Orgy (Summons 4 Jack-O minions, upon defeat gain 3 mana)

Your victory condiiton is to deal enough damage to the boss.You’ll need to break the armor on the Crumpkin Bomb’s, which will deal a large amount of damage to the boss. Reminder: Armor is added together before damage calcuations so if you think you will deal enough damage to only find out that the one armor from Siren caused it not to break, you’ll need to restart.

Solution for Level 2

  • Play Jack-O Orgy to summon the 4 minions onto the 4 empty spots
  • Play Big Slappy on field position 9
  • Play Big Slappy on field position 8
  • Play the last Big Slappy on field position 1

Level 3

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Card’s in your hand:

  • Big Slappy (Deal 2 damage, splash, minions only)
  • Gentle Nibble (Deal 1 damage)
  • Ravish (Deal 2 damage, gain a Ravish card)

Your victory condition is the same as prior, defeat the boss through damage. You only have one Crumpkin Bomb to play with however, so you will need to be mindful to not destroy it. Study the field and make sure the splash damage doesn’t cause any issues.

Solution for Level 3

  • Use Big Slappy on Crumpkin Bomb
  • Use Gentle Nibble on field position 6
  • Use Ravish on Crumpkin Bomb
  • Use Ravish on field position 11
  • Use Ravish 3 times on Ashka to win.

Level 4

EdgeLords Puzzles Guide (Upd 01/06/2024)

Card’s in your hand:

  • Demolish (Deal 3 damage, gain a Demolish card)
  • Ravish (Deal 2 damage, gain a Ravish card)
  • Gentle Nibble (Deal 1 damage)

The victory condition is the same as prior, defeat the boss through damage. This field is similar to the last, you have one Crumpkin Bomb that you need to deal a majority of the damage to the boss.

Solution to Level 4

  • Use Ravish on Crumpkin Bomb
  • Use Gentle Nibble on field position 11
  • Use Demolish on Deathgrip twice to win. Wish that was me on Deathgrip

Have fun 💗


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